A changelog is a useful addition to any project, as it provides users and contributors with a summary of notable changes between each release. One way to ensure you always update your changelog as part of any new release is by making it part of the the automated deployment process. This blog post describes how I’ve implemented changelog driven deployments for the PowerShell modules I maintain in GitHub.

My PowerShell modules are built and deployed using a set of scripts that perform the following tasks whenever a PR is raised or a commit is made to the Master branch:

  1. Combine the individual PowerShell functions into a single module file. This improves performance when the module is loaded.

  2. Execute the Pester tests to validate the code is functioning correctly and to update the README.md with the current code coverage percentage.

  3. Generate automatic PowerShell Help documentation for each of the module’s commands into the /Documentation folder of the repo. This gives users the option to browse help online.

  4. Deploy the module to the PowerShell Gallery, but only if the branch is Master and the CHANGELOG.md file includes ## !Deploy. This line of the ChangeLog is then modified during this task to include the version number of the module being deployed and the date of the deployment.

  5. Finally the changes that have been made to the source files (the updates to the README.md, CHANGELOG.md and any changes under /Documentation) are committed back to source control.

You can look at these tasks in more detail by looking at the /Build folder under any of my PowerShell projects in GitHub.

Note: The basis of my tasks/scripts have been lifted and modified from other PowerShell community members, but unfortunately I can’t recall who specifically to give them credit.

Making the CHANGELOG.md part of the deployment logic has been achieved by adding the following to the Deploy task:

if (Get-Item "$ProjectRoot/CHANGELOG.md") {
  $ChangeLog = Get-Content "$ProjectRoot/CHANGELOG.md"

  if ($ChangeLog -contains '## !Deploy') {

    $Params = @{
      Path    = "$ProjectRoot/Build/deploy.psdeploy.ps1"
      Force   = $true
      Recurse = $false

    Invoke-PSDeploy @Verbose @Params

    # Update ChangeLog with deployment version and date
    $ChangeLog = $ChangeLog -replace '## !Deploy', "## [$Version] - $(Get-Date -F 'yyyy-MM-dd')"
    Set-Content -Path "$ProjectRoot/CHANGELOG.md" -Value $ChangeLog
  else {
      Write-Host 'CHANGELOG.md did not contain ## !Deploy. Skipping deployment.'
else {
  Write-Host "$ProjectRoot/CHANGELOG.md not found. Skipping deployment."

You can see that this is also where the CHANGELOG.md file is updated with the release version and date.

To allow the source file changes to be committed back to the repo you need to grant Azure DevOps permissions to write to your code repositories. This can be done by using GitHub App authentication. In my build pipeline committing the changes back to the repo is completed in the Commit build task as follows:

Set-Location $ProjectRoot
$Module = $env:BHProjectName

git --version
git config --global user.email "build@azuredevops.com"
git config --global user.name "AzureDevOps"
git add Documentation/*.md
git add README.md
git add CHANGELOG.md
git commit -m "[skip ci] AzureDevOps Build $($env:BUILD_BUILDID)"
git push

It is important to include [skip ci] in the commit message otherwise you risk creating an infinite loop of builds and check ins. The [skip ci] tag is a built in way to tell Azure DevOps not to build something you’ve committed.

Here’s an example of the ChangeLog being updated for a recent deployment of my PowerShell-Influx module:

changelog deployment example commit

Here’s the CI pipeline updating the CHANGELOG.md to include the new version number and date as the title:

changelog deployment example commit

And here’s how the final ChangeLog looks:

changelog deployment example commit

If you decide to implement this technique it’s a good idea to also include a CONTRIBUTING.md file in your project to let people know that updating the ChangeLog is a mandatory part of the deployment process:

changelog deployment example commit

– https://github.com/markwragg/PowerShell-Influx/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md

