I recently implemented a new Azure Application Gateway and was interested to chart the connections through it per hour, grouped by HTTP Response Code. My initial attempt was this query:

| where OperationName == 'ApplicationGatewayAccess'
| summarize count() by bin(TimeGenerated,1h), httpStatus_d
| render columnchart

But this didn’t generate the chart I expected, instead creating one that looked this this (with two values, count_ and httpStatus_d):

log analytics azure app gateway chart grouped by http status not working

I eventually realised the issue was due to the httpStatus_d field being a numeric value, which seems to confuse the summarize operator. To work around this you need to use the tostring() function to convert it to a string:

| where OperationName == 'ApplicationGatewayAccess'
| summarize count() by bin(TimeGenerated,1h), tostring(httpStatus_d)
| render columnchart

log analytics azure app gateway chart grouped by http status working but displaying decimals

This generated the chart I wanted, but because httpstatus_d has a data type of real it treats it as a decimal value and the HTTP status codes (once converted to strings) subsequently have a .0 at the end.

If you want to get it to convert httpstatus_d as integers, you can use toint() on them first, as follows:

| where OperationName == 'ApplicationGatewayAccess'
| summarize count() by bin(TimeGenerated,1h), tostring(toint(httpStatus_d))
| render columnchart

log analytics azure app gateway chart grouped by http status working with corrected integer values

And voila, an Azure Application Gateway traffic graph displaying connections by status code, per hour.

