I like my scripts to give feedback to the console to demonstrate progress where possible and Powershell provides a number of cmdlets to do this, one of which is Write-Progress.

The Write-Progress cmdlet displays a progress bar in a Windows PowerShell command window that depicts the status of a running command or script. You can select the indicators that the bar reflects and the text that appears above and below the progress bar.

Source: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh849902.aspx

The progress bar and status messages displayed by Write-Progress float automatically at the top of the page, overlaying whatever text is present. There are several different ways to use Write-Progress some of which may surprise you:

1. You don’t actually need to know how much progress you’ve made to use Write-Progress

Surprisingly, you can use Write-Progress without actually displaying a progress bar. This can be useful if you want to utilise a floating progress notification but have no way of knowing how much progress has been made. For example:

Write-Progress -Activity "I'm going to sleep for 5 seconds" -Status "Zzzzz"
Start-Sleep 5

To be explicit about not knowing how much progress to report, you can specify -PercentComplete -1.

2. You can tell an instance of Write-Progress to disappear

If you want a Progress message to disappear while your script continues to do other processing, you can dismiss them using the -Completed switch. For example:

Write-Progress -Activity "I'm going to sleep for 5 seconds" -Status "Zzzzz"
Start-Sleep 5
Write-Progress -Activity "Sleep" -Completed
Start-Sleep 2

3. You can use Write-Progress to count down a number of seconds remaining

This is most useful when your script needs to wait for a predetermined amount of time before proceeding and you want to show the user how long they have left to wait. To do this use the -SecondsRemaining switch. For example:

For ($i=5; $i -gt 1; $i–-) {
    Write-Progress -Activity "Launching rocket" -SecondsRemaining $i
    Start-Sleep 1

4. To show a progress bar, just calculate the percentage of work completed

To show a progress bar you use the -PercentComplete switch to report a value between 0 and 100. Within a For loop you can likely do this using the variables that count the iterations. For a ForEach-Object loop, its best to use a counter variable which you increment on each iteration and then the .Count property of your collection for the total. For example:

$WinSxS = Get-ChildItem C:\Windows\WinSxS
$i = 1

$WinSxS | ForEach-Object {
    Write-Progress -Activity "Counting WinSxS file $($_.name)" -Status "File $i of $($WinSxS.Count)" -PercentComplete (($i / $WinSxS.Count) * 100)  

5. You can show more than one progress bar at a time

Referred to as nested progress bars, you simply need to use the -id parameter to ensure they are not layered on top of each other. The first progress bar does not need an ID, but you then need to number all subsequent ones sequentially in the order you want them layered.

The following script demonstrates four nested progress bars by displaying a running clock of the current time.

The script ends automatically at midnight (to have it running perpetually, change the last Until statement to While ($true)).

